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ManifestoThe major aim of the Democratic Party is to further unite the democratic forces in Hong Kong to shoulder the responsibility for the future of Hong Kong. At this crucial moment, we sincerely appeal to the citizens of Hong Kong to unite together and support the Democratic Party in its pursuit of a high degree of autonomy and an open and democratic government of Hong Kong. The Democratic Party believes that: 1. Hong Kong is an indivisible part of China. We support the return of Hong Kong's sovereignty to China. 2. The practice of "one country, two systems," high degree of autonomy, and the establishment of a democratic government in Hong Kong are the wishes of the people in Hong Kong. This will help to contribute to the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, and foster the development of China. 3. We care for China and, as part of the Chinese citizenry, we have the rights and obligations to participate in and comment on the affairs of China. 4. We will seek to represent and articulate the views of the people of Hong Kong about Chinese government policies related to or having an impact on Hong Kong. 5. Democracy is the prerequisite for Hong Kong to establish a high degree of autonomy and is a natural consequence of the termination of the British colonial rule. 6. Democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law are the foundations for progress and prosperity in a modern society. In Hong Kong, it is necessary to speed up the development of a democratic system of government, to strengthen the protection of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law. 7. To maintain free and fair competition in our market economy, it is necessary for Hong Kong to develop and maintain appropriate monitoring systems, a reasonable and stable tax system, a sound legal system, and a corruption free and accountable government. 8. Economic prosperity depends on the concerted efforts of investors, labour, professionals, government, and all members of society. The creation of wealth is the prerequisite for social development, and the ultimate objective of the creation of wealth is that all members of society may share the fruit of their economic success. 9. To foster the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, to promote social justice, and to eliminate all forms of discrimination, Hong Kong needs to develop strong and healthy education, medical, housing, labour, social welfare and social security systems, and the assurance of equal opportunities of participation and development of personal talents. 10. To ensure continuous supply of natural resources, long term social development and the protection of the livelihood of our future generations, we should protect and develop our living environment. The Democratic Party is a local political party which is devoted to the affairs of Hong Kong and cares about China. Hong Kong is our home. We are willing to serve Hong Kong and China, and wish democracy, progress, and prosperity for Hong Kong and China. We firmly believe that public support is the foundation of the Democratic Party and the public's will is our will. We truly believe that to realize the basic principles of the Democratic Party, we must unite all citizens of Hong Kong, and join with others who share this common goal to face future challenges. The Democratic Party welcomes all who share the same beliefs to join with us in building a better future for Hong Kong. Chapter 1: China-Hong Kong RelationshipHong Kong is part of China. The Democratic Party supports China's resumption of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997. We support the implementation of the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the fundamental policy of "one country, two systems." We also support the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in 1997, with a high degree of autonomy and Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong. The Democratic Party firmly supports the return of Hong Kong to China and objects to alienation or isolation of Hong Kong from China. The Democratic Party recognizes the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Basic Law of the HKSAR. However, we call for its amendment in order to achieve democracy and to safeguard liberty, human rights and the rule of law. Hong Kong people are also Chinese people. We have the right and responsibility to care about and participate in affairs concerning China. It is the common wish of all Chinese to see China prosper, develop democracy and the rule of law, and respect individual liberties and human rights. The Democratic Party supports the development of democracy in China. China should respect the aspiration of Hong Kong people to develop democracy and to safeguard individual liberties, human rights and the rule of law. She should also respect the wish of Hong Kong people for greater participation in the government of Hong Kong during the transition period. Hong Kong people should maintain Hong Kong as their base and develop Hong Kong, with a view to contributing to China's development. In this process, Hong Kong people should maintain contact with China in various ways. A stable China-Hong Kong relationship will help Hong Kong in achieving this purpose. Mainland China and Hong Kong should cooperate in building relationships in trade, science and technology, culture, sports and recreation, environmental protection, etc. This will enable Hong Kong to play a more active role in China's social and economic development. Meanwhile, Hong Kong's international links may be used to facilitate exchange activities between China and foreign countries. Chapter 2: Hong Kong's External RelationsWe strive to maintain and develop Hong Kong's status as an international trade and financial centre. We support the enhancement of Hong Kong's international status in science, technology, education, culture and sports and encourage communication in these areas among the relevant organizations here and overseas. We also support Hong Kong's hosting of international conferences to help Hong Kong develop as a versatile international centre. We aspire to maintain and develop Hong Kong's position in international covenants (covering shipping, aviation, international trade, human rights protection, etc.). We also support the introduction of appropriate international treaties into Hong Kong as part of Hong Kong law. We strive to maintain the relationship between Hong Kong and emigrated Hong Kong people and promote linking Hong Kong with other countries of the world. We will maintain and strive for a good image and reputation for Hong Kong internationally. Chapter 3: Human Rights and Legal SystemWe strive to establish and defend a legal system which aims at safeguarding human rights and the rule of law and at eliminating all forms of discrimination. We support the introduction of international covenants into Hong Kong that provide for reciprocal juridical assistance and the protection of human rights. After 1997, Hong Kong shall basically retain the present legal system and jurisdiction of the courts. At the same time, there will have to be legal and judicial reforms to cater to the needs of the transfer of sovereignty. We support the creation of favourable political and social conditions to consolidate the foundation for the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary. Chinese and English should be of equal legal status in government administration and judicial proceedings. We support the acceleration of localization of judicial and legal officers, while maintaining the quality of judicial services. We aspire to strengthen and widen the provision of legal aid services, to make it an independent support system to protect human rights and maintain the rule of law. We support greater transparency and public participation in legal aid and its related services. Chapter 4: Constitutional DevelopmentHong Kong shall develop democracy and institutionalise protection for human rights in order to realize the principles of "one country, two systems" and "a high degree of democratic autonomy." The aim of political development should be direct elections. The Chief Executive, legislature and other tiers of representative government should be directly elected according to the principle of "one man, one vote." The Democratic Party will continue to strive for and promote democratic reforms and render the executive and legislative branches accountable to Hong Kong people through democratic elections. The civil service should remain neutral, but political accountability of chief policy-makers should be enhanced at the same time. The legislature should establish open and democratic procedures. It should strengthen its role of monitoring the Administration while ensuring the stability and efficiency of the Government. The policy-making statutory authorities and committees which are independent of the Government must be accountable to the legislature. There must be separation of powers among the executive, the legislature and the judiciary, with each branch monitoring and checking the others. We support the comprehensive review and appropriate reform of the existing electoral system and related laws to keep pace with democratic development. Chapter 5: Economic PolicyHong Kong's economic prosperity is based on free trade, abundant productive human capital and an open policy towards foreign investment. Hong Kong needs to consolidate its status as a financial and trade centre in order to maintain the confidence of local and international investors in long term investment. This will maintain Hong Kong's prosperity, stability and growth. The Democratic Party considers the principle of fair competition to be compatible with principles of social justice and economic efficiency. When the free market fails to provide suitable conditions for free competition automatically, the Government should step in to ensure that economic and social development receive equal attention. To ensure continuous economic growth, the Hong Kong Government should not only maintain free market competition and the rule of law, but also improve infrastructure, the dissemination of information and labour quality, as well as contain inflation. Such actions will create favourable conditions for Hong Kong's economic growth. Hong Kong's economic development strategy should be conducive to mutual economic development between Hong Kong and the Mainland. Chapter 6: Public FinancePublic finance policies and measures should not only ensure effective governance, but also promote economic growth and improve people's livelihood. The Government must use proper public finance policies to achieve a reasonable distribution of the fruits of economic growth. Public expenditure should be properly controlled but not restricted rigidly to a fixed percentage of the Gross Domestic Product. Instead, the percentage should be adjusted and reviewed continuously according to changes in social and economic conditions. Meanwhile, in addition to Gross Domestic Product data, Gross National Product data should also be considered when deciding public finance policies. The financing of large and long-term investments, such as infrastructure projects, should be spread across generations. Expenditure of public bodies independent of the Government should be placed under public scrutiny. The Government should continuously improve the quality and quantity of various current social services and improve other committed services. Hong Kong should maintain a fair, reasonable and stable taxation system. It should be adjusted and reviewed regularly according to social and economic changes. Chapter 7: Civil ServiceMaintaining the stability and efficiency of the civil service is very important to the smooth development of Hong Kong. The Civil Service should mainly be composed of local people. We strive to raise the morale of civil servants, establish a comprehensive retirement system for them, and maintain a good relationship between the Government and civil servants. Chapter 8: Public Sector and Public ServiceDecent public services, such as health care, education, transportation, etc., are basic necessities of modern societies. These services not only improve people's standard of living, but also stabilize the society and improve social efficiency. As direct and indirect users of public services, citizens should have the right and power to monitor the running of public service bodies. To protect the rights of the people, there must be clear targets and rules governing the standards and development objectives of public services with respect to service quality, information about services, choice of services, non-discrimination, complaint procedures (with compensations and remedies), and efficiency (charges and profits). Also, public service providers should make performance pledges to protect the rights of services users. The Government should establish principles and standards to determine if a public service provided by government departments should be taken up by independent statutory authorities. When public service companies are operating according to business principles, they should also consider other important factors, such as service quality, affordability and effects on standard of living. The legislature should have statutory power to effectively monitor fees for public services. Chapter 9: Urban Planning and Land PolicyLand resources belong to the whole community. Urban planning and land use should ensure the permanence of common resources, facilitate social development, and maintain a harmonious relationship between human beings and nature. Social development refers basically to the common interests and development of individuals, organizations and their descendants. Land become private property through the leasing of Government land. Property owners can freely dispose of their land according to law. Owners' property rights and tenants' rights to use the land should be protected by law. When the Government resumes possession of land, it should follow clear and reasonable procedures and provide reasonable compensation. Under the principles of "one country, two systems" and "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong," urban planning and infrastructure projects should be entirely decided by Hong Kong authorities. However, in formulating Hong Kong's development strategy, not only Hong Kong's long-term interests, but also her relationships with neighbouring regions should be considered. In addition, the needs and the economic circumstances of the South China region should be adequately considered. Hong Kong's overall and local development, in such areas as the establishment of new towns, improvement of rural areas, urban renewal, etc., should be mutually compatible, so as to improve people's living standards and stimulate economic growth. The process of urban planning should be in accordance with principles of democracy, fairness and openness. People's right to access information, to participate in policy development and to appeal administrative decisions should be protected. Land is a scarce resource in Hong Kong. The Government should ensure land use is compatible with the needs of the majority of people. The Government should have a reasonable level of participation in the finance, administration, and even construction work of land use projects, so as to provide adequate flats and basic facilities, and improve people's livelihood. Environmental impact assessments should be conducted before making urban planning decisions or starting construction projects. The results of these assessments should be binding on the relevant construction projects. The Government should provide enough land to satisfy the needs of trade, industry, housing and community facilities, and provide a comprehensive infrastructure and transportation networks. Urban renewal should be conducted fairly and systematically. The Government must ensure that people affected will obtain fair compensation and appropriate relocation arrangements. Chapter 10: Infrastructure, Harbour and the New AirportThe development of infrastructure must be compatible with Hong Kong's urban planning, so as to improve land use and provide better living conditions and adequate basic facilities. To meet long-term development demands, Hong Kong should construct airport and port facilities in accordance with international standards. We support the development of adequate infrastructure facilities to ensure that Hong Kong can maintain and develop its current international status in finance, shipping, air transportation and tourism. The strategy and decision to build airport and port facilities should be in accordance with the interests of Hong Kong people. They should also be compatible with Hong Kong's needs and development and within the financial capability of the Government. Decisions on construction projects must be decided in Hong Kong. Chapter 11: TransportationHong Kong should develop and maintain an efficient and safe transportation system, in line with economic development and community needs. The Government is responsible for providing good quality public transport and road systems. To improve transportation services, we urge the improvement of service quality, moderate fee increases, and the establishment of an effective monitoring system with full participation of Hong Kong citizens. Fares for public transport services must be compatible with Hong Kong's economic circumstances and acceptable to Hong Kong people, so as to attract more people to use public transport. In developing transportation projects, the Government should also consider environmental factors. The design of transportation networks should take into account not only the needs of vehicles, but also the needs of all road users, including the handicapped. We support the establishment of a freight transport system which is compatible with long-term economic development and public transport demands, in order to reduce congestion. When making decisions on long-term urban planning, demand for transportation infrastructure and land-use must be considered together, so as to ensure that supplementary transport projects keep pace with community development. Chapter 12: Public UtilitiesIn establishing public utility franchises and systems to monitor them, the Government should take public interest as the primary factor of consideration. Franchised public utilities should shoulder social responsibilities and respect the public interest. They should provide services which are adequate, reliable, safe and at reasonable prices. During their operation, public utility companies should minimize social costs, for instance pollution, traffic congestion, general hazards and inconveniences caused, during their operation. When a public utility company is earning a reasonable profit, it must still provide those services which have no earning potential but are important to the community. This includes operating bus routes which may be unprofitable for the company. Public utility companies should actively disclose basic information about their services, including quality and quantity of services (for instance schedule and scope of services, etc.), principles used in setting fares, safety measures employed, complaint channels, and financial and business data. People become consumers of public utility services mainly because there is a lack of choice. They should have the right to monitor the service providers. The Government should reform the present monitoring mechanisms, which lack public participation and legitimacy, so as to enable more effective monitoring of the public utilities by the public and its representatives. Public utilities serve the public, so that setting fares should not be based on commercial principles and financial circumstances alone. In adjusting fees, factors like local economic circumstances, quality of services, and public opinion should also be considered. The Government should open up public utility services markets as far as possible, so as to introduce fair competition, improve quality of services, and reduce the present oligarchic situation. To protect the public interest, the Government should issue clear standards and rules to public utility companies in relation to the quality and quantity of services, choice of services, information published, fairness in the provision of service, complaint handling, and consumer rights. The Government, service providers and service users should respect and abide by the standards and rules. Some public utilities companies engage in other businesses, such as advertising, property development, and providing various services to the Mainland. They enjoy their advantageous status as franchised companies that can reap the benefits of economies of scale. The Government must ensure, through specific terms in franchise agreements or in law, that those expenditures should not be paid for by users of the franchised services. Instead, users of the franchised services should be able to benefit from the profits generated from the other businesses. Chapter 13: Environmental ProtectionThe Government has the responsibility to control environmental pollution and to protect every citizen from contamination of all sorts due to polluting activities. This is to ensure there is a suitable living environment for every citizen and his or her descendants. The Government should strengthen measures to protect our ecological system and preserve the greening of our city; this means ensuring the existing ecological system will not be subjected to irreparable damage and, in particular, protecting internationally recognized endangered species. Polluters should pay the cost of dealing with environmental pollution. The Government should promote public awareness on saving resources and energy. The Government has the obligation to ensure that the provisions in international agreements and covenants protecting the environment and living species are being observed in Hong Kong. The subject of environmental protection should also be considered when economic and social developments are being planned. There should be a balance for human beings and ecological systems to co-exist, permitting the continuity of nature and our social resources. Chapter 14: EducationEducation is concerned with the development of humankind. Therefore, education should aim at teaching our next generation to be loving in our families, community, country and nation, in addition to preserving peace on earth. In addition to teaching academic knowledge, education policy should then aim at helping students to develop independent minds, healthy moral standards, decent temperaments, and to be honest, responsible, just and loving persons. Every citizen is entitled to the right to education. The Government has the obligation to provide enough resources to ensure all children at school age have the opportunity to receive a standard education. There should be enough places in schools to fulfill the policy of providing nine years universal schooling. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the varied standards and specific needs of different types of students in preparing the education curriculum. This is also important when the administration is formulating examination systems, providing qualified teachers and allocating other resources. The goal is to fully develop the potential of every student. Education is part of the manpower policy for our community at large. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the social, political and economic needs of our community in the formulation of education policy. The rights to education and employment for every individual should also be taken into account when education policy is planned. Education policy varies at different stages of education. There should be a comprehensive and integrated scheme for pre-school education, basic 9-year education, high school education, college education, special education and vocational training programs. Education policy should be open and transparent. Students and parents should be as involved as the teachers and school masters in school matters. Outside the school, there should be a community organisation which is open to the public, that monitors school management.
Chapter 15: Manpower (Labour)Production is fundamental to the fortune of humankind. Manpower resources should therefore be treated as invaluable assets and be respected as such. Manpower resources should not be treated purely as a production tool. Since productivity depends on a number of factors, such as the working environment, job nature (whether compatible with workers?| specialties and interests), job rewards and security, and employer-employee relationships, it is important to devise a manpower policy which provides for good employment opportunities and retirement protection schemes in order to protect the individual labourer as well as to improve economic development. Manpower is an important element of economic activity in a community. And manpower policy should complement industrial policy and technology policy in our economic development. Thus, the formulation of manpower policy should vary with the changing economic infrastructure. Members of Hong Kong?ąDs labour force have played a very important role in Hong Kong?|s economic development; thus, they should have a reasonable share of the fruits of their economic achievements. It is because of the unequal positions of employers and employees in the labour market that the labour market is particularly biased towards employers rather than the more even situation found in a free market system. Thus, the Government cannot simply rely on the market but must provide protection for the interests of the labour sector. The degree of involvement of the Government should vary according to social needs and economic development. In compliance with international labour conventions, Hong Kong should as soon as possible legislate to ensure job protection, occupational safety and comprehensive social security. Laws should also be passed to protect the rights to organize trade unions, to strike and to use collective bargaining power. The Government and employers should cooperate with each other to provide enough vocational education and retraining to ensure workers keep up with our advancing economy and technology.
Chapter 16: HousingHousing is a fundamental need and right of every citizen. It should therefore be the aim of the Government's housing policy to ensure that every family can own a permanent and self-contained home at a price the family can afford. Public housing is a kind of social service. The Government should spend more resources to provide more public housing so as to bridge the gap between the rich and poor and hence to increase social stability. It is the Government's obligation to provide for the lower and middle classes public housing (whether for rent or for sale) which is self-contained, meets reasonable living standard, and is affordable to them. Both the authority for and the decision mechanism regarding the devising of housing policy should be open and democratic. The future Long Term Housing Strategy should aim to provide public housing for families on the public housing waiting list, in Temporary Housing Areas, in hillside squatters residences, in old private buildings and with special needs. The Government should monitor and take measures to regulate the prices of private properties so as to eliminate their chaotic fluctuation, which is the result of controlled supply of and speculation on private properties. Measures to be taken may include regulating the supply and demand of land, providing reasonable quantities of public housing at reasonable prices, and the taxation system. This is to protect the housing rights of all citizens as well as the community interest at large.
Chapter 17: Social WelfareIt is the fundamental right of every citizen to receive social welfare services. The Government has the obligation to protect this right and to provide a healthy social welfare system. Every citizen should have an equal opportunity to receive a reasonable level of social welfare services. A reasonable social welfare system should provide not only a safety net for the most needy people, but also an environment whereby every citizen has a chance to develop his personal potential so as to minimize social injustice and discrimination and to enhance social stability. The Government should strengthen its commitment to provide social welfare services in coordination with other social policies such as those regarding housing, medical and health, education and manpower etc. This helps to build up a caring community, and to facilitate families, relatives and neighbourhoods to establish a mutual assistance relationship. In the light of the fact that social welfare expenditure amounts to a very low percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), the Government should at a reasonable level increase spending on social welfare services. The rate of increase of social welfare expenditure should not be less than the net rate of growth of Hong Kong?|s economy. The Government should provide not only those social welfare services which are required by law, but also assistance to non-government organizations in order to develop social welfare services outside the statutory system. The Government should implement administrative, legal and tax measures to encourage businesses to provide welfare services for their employees. The principle that all costs are recovered by the programs they support should not be applied to social welfare services. People may be charged a nominal fee for social welfare services, so as to encourage proper use of the services. The recipients of services have the right to monitor the quality of those services. In formulating public policies, the Government should take into account their effects on the integration of neighbourhood and intra-family relationships as well as on personal growth.
Chapter 18: Medical and Health CareIt is the fundamental right of every citizen to be able to receive comprehensive, high quality medical and health care services so that everyone in the community is able to live in good health. The whole community benefits from good public health. The Government has the responsibility of providing comprehensive and high quality medical and health care services, including proactive and preventive primary care services, and curative and rehabilitative care, so as to safeguard the physical and mental health of all people and hence to ensure a healthy community. The Government should monitor both public and private medical and health care services to ensure that they are of high quality, to encourage their upgrade from time to time to meet changing social needs and expectations, and to keep pace with technological development. Public medical and health care services are social services, thus a low fee policy should be maintained. The medical charging scheme should not simply be based on the cost of providing medical services. This is to ensure that no one will be without suitable medical treatment for financial reasons. The Government should establish a central medical insurance scheme which the general public can afford. The process of devising medical and health policy should be open so that the public can contribute its ideas and monitor the process. The Government is obliged to ensure that the Hospital Authority and the other public bodies providing medical and health care services are accountable to the public. Other social services such as social welfare, social security, education, labour and housing should be coordinated with medical and health care services to ensure the well being of the entire community. Patients' rights should be given adequate protection. Public medical and health care services should be easily accessible to the general public and every citizen should have a choice of where to receive auxiliary medical and health care services. The Government should spend more resources to promote primary care services, which should supplement hospital services. Both the Government and the medical and health care professional bodies should work together to promote health care education to the public to help build a more healthy community.
Chapter 19: Culture, Art and InformationThe Government should encourage the development of cultural activities in Hong Kong and provide a healthy environment for it. Every citizen should have the right and opportunity to take part in different cultural activities so as to increase the availability of diverse programmes. The Government should promote and protect the freedom of expression in artistic performance by repealing laws and eliminating measures which restrict this fundamental freedom. Public cultural bodies should adhere to the principles of democracy, transparency and accountability in running their businesses. Press freedom and citizens' rights to be informed should be protected so that the mass media will not be subjected to commercial or political pressure which will endanger the freedom to report and publish. The mass media should not discriminate against any sex, race, social class, or social or political organizations. The Government should implement policies which balance the commercial interests of the owners of mass media companies and the public interest of the community at large. The mass media should then provide greater varieties of programs of good quality and low cost. The electronic mass media should provide more informational and educational programmes. The Government should promote local and overseas communications businesses by opening the relevant markets and eliminating monopolies. This will enhance competition and provide a better environment for the development of communications businesses. Chapter 20: SecurityIn order to establish a healthy community, the Government must commit itself to providing many different types of social services in order to produce a stable, fair and free community. The ultimate solution to stopping crime is to provide the basic elements of a healthy community, namely to provide healthy moral standard, and a reasonable distribution of social resources and income across the community. The fundamental human rights of every citizen should be protected and the rights to liberty and human dignity should be respected, even when enforcing the law and maintaining public order. Since social stability is the fundamental condition for a peaceful community, crime prevention is as important as the punishment of criminals. The Government should frequently review the manpower, equipment, and power given to the disciplinary forces so that they are well equipped to perform their duties effectively and to safeguard law and order. Correctional services should aim to both punish criminals and improve their behaviour. The Government should strengthen its work with neighbouring countries to fight cross-border crime. Chapter 21: WomenBoth sexes are equal before the law and should be given equal opportunities and equal rights in the economic, political and social arenas. There should not be any discrimination based on sex. The community should show respect for women and protect them from the threat of sexual harassment, violence and sexual torture. The community should help women develop to their potential by encouraging them to participate in social affairs. The Government should eliminate all forms of discrimination against women in our laws and institutions. In formulating policies and administrative measures, the Government should protect the rights of women and encourage equal opportunities for men and women. The Government should strengthen school and civic education promoting the awareness of equal opportunities for men and women. Chapter 22: YouthThe young should not only be considered precious community resources, but also be given respect and the opportunity to live and grow in a free and democratic environment. The young are entitled to be cared for. This is their fundamental right. Families and the community have a responsibility to provide appropriate living conditions such as a healthy environment and a good education system. The community should encourage the young and give them opportunities to participate in youth affairs so that they can contribute their efforts, take up appropriate responsibilities and, thereby protect their rights. The community should provide enough resources to every family so that they can play a more important role in taking care of their own kids. The objective of youth services is to help the young develop to their full potential and, in the end, to grow up to be mature, responsible and thoughtful people who care for their families, communities, nation and the world. Chapter 23: ElderlyEvery individual, family and community has the obligation to take care of the needs of senior citizens. The community should respect them. Senior citizens should be given adequate protection for their rights to housing, medical and health services, employment, social functions and individual respect. The Government should take into account the possible effects on elderly services when formulating social welfare and other public policies.