27 January 2000

Martin Lee receives the Goodman Fellowship from the University of Toronto

Mr. Martin Lee, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Hong Kong, receives the Goodman Fellowship from the Law Faculty of the University of Toronto today (26 January 2000 Canadian time).

Dean Ronald J. Daniels says:

"The D.B. Goodman Fellowship, established in memory of the late David B. Goodman, Q.C. of Toronto, is intended to bring to the law school on an annual basis a distinguished member of the practising bar or bench, for a few days of teaching and informal discussions with the student body and the faculty. Previous Goodman Fellows include a number of distinguished jurists, most recently The Honourable Justice Michel Bastarache of the Supreme Court of Canada. We are deeply honoured to have Mr. Martin Lee to join this distinguished list and to bring to the Faculty the benefits of his insights and ideas gained from long experience in the practical application of the law."

In addition to the Goodman Fellowship, Mr. Lee was also honoured in Strasbourg by the Group of European People's Party and the European Democrats in the European Parliament who presented him the Robert Schuman Medal on 18 January 2000 for his defence of the rule of law in Hong Kong. This is the first time the Schuman Medal is awarded to a non-European. During the Strasbourg visit, Mr. Lee took the opportunity to speak to various members of the European Parliament regarding the importance of China's accession to the World Trade Organisation - how it is conducive to the development of a rules-based society and eventually the rule of law in China.

Media Contact: Winnie Kwok (2529-0864,

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